사우스차이나모닝포스트誌, 물류와 관광 비즈니스 유망지로 인천항 소개 

2015 코리아 비즈니스 리포트」에서 인천신항 등 인천항 주요사업 주목

세계적 공신력과 영향력을 자랑하는 글로벌 언론매체가 무역과 관광 비즈니스 유망지로 주목받고 있는 인천항의 부상에 주목했습니다.

인천항만공사(www.icpa.or.kr)는 인천신항과 새 국제여객부두·터미널 및 항만 배후부지 개발 등 인천항의 핵심사업들이 아시아 최대 영자신문 『사우스 차이나 모닝 포스트』(South China Morning Post, www.scmp.com)지에 소개됐다고 30일 밝혔습니다.

사우스 차이나 모닝 포스트(이하 SCMP)는 홍콩에 본사를 둔 111년 역사의 아시아 최대 영자신문사로, 인터넷 홈페이지는 미국의 몇몇 매체를 제외하면 세계 톱 랭킹의 뉴스 사이트로 인정받고 있는 매체입니다.

인천항만공사(IPA)에 따르면, SCMP는 지난 27일자로 발행한 특집호「2015 대한민국 비즈니스 리포트」에서 주요 뉴스(S8면 톱기사)로 인천항의 주요 사업을 소개하면서 유창근 사장과의 인터뷰를 게재했습니다.

기사에서는 대한민국 최대의 생산지이자 소비지를 배후에 둔 동시에 세계 최대의 공장이자 시장인 중국을 마주하고 있는 인천항의 입지적 비교우위와, 대한민국 산업화를 견인해 온 인천항의 공헌이 설명됐습니다.

이어 인천항과 인천항만공사의 서비스, 갑문과 다양한 여객·화물 터미널 시설물을 소개하면서 지난해 233만TEU의 컨테이너 물동량을 포함, 총 1억4천만톤의 화물을 처리하고, 150만명 이상의 중국인 관광객을 맞이한 인천항의 항만운영 실적을 덧붙였습니다.

특별히 눈길을 끄는 대목은 사우스 차이나 모닝 포스트가 인천신항 심수항(Deep sea port) 개발, 새 국제여객터미널 및 항만배후부지 개발 등 현재 추진 중인 인천항의 핵심 사업을 소개했다는 점입니다.

사우스 차이나 모닝 포스트는 인천신항 운영을 통해 향후 2~3년 내에 15만톤급 이상의 대형 컨테이너선을 수용할 수 있게 되면 인천항을 이용하는 화주와 선사들은 지금보다 훨씬 좋은 가격경쟁력을 갖추고 서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 평가했습니다. 또 화물이든 여객이든, 중국시장이든 글로벌 마켓이든, 미래를 위한 기회, 성장의 잠재력을 찾고 있는 기업이라면 인천항에서 비즈니스를 모색해 볼 것을 권유했습니다.

Incheon Port rises as pivotal trade, tourism hub

Reports by Christina Liedke, Khay Inn Poh and Stacey Wilkinson

Ports have long come hand-in-hand with every nation's growth. For Incheon Port, this means helping unlock South Korea's economic potential - and transforming what used to be a country with scarce natural resources into one of the world's wealthiest.

Home to a fishing village of fewer than 5,000 inhabitants before it opened its port in 1883, Incheon - then called Jemulpo - quickly rose as a pivotal industrialisation and modernisation hub.

"Strategically located in the heart of the Korean Peninsula, Incheon Port is the gateway to the national capital of South Korea, including Seoul Metropolitan City, which has the biggest purchasing power in the country," says Yoo Chang-keun, president of Incheon Port Authority (IPA). "Today, Incheon Port is set to play another pivotal role as the country's closest link to another economic giant, the world's biggest factory and market in one - China."

Established in 2005 to develop port facilities and the hinterland and to enhance the expertise, efficiency in management and operation of these, IPA offers cargo and passenger services to shipping companies, shippers, forwarders and tourist agencies. It has developed the port into one of the country's most competitive logistics centres, partnering with and supporting businesses and other port stakeholders.

Incheon Port has since grown to serve about 27 shipping companies and 83 vessels that make more than 40 calls per week. These include container ships coming from China, Russia, Africa, Japan and other Southeast Asian countries, and international ferry services.

The port takes pride in operating Asia's biggest lock gate, which provides stable cargo handling services regardless of the weather and season. It also runs exclusive container terminals, specialised industrial ports handling bulk and cargo carriers, a coastal passenger terminal and two international passenger terminals.

Last year, the port handled 2.3 million 20-foot equivalent containers and nearly 140 million tonnes of general cargo. It also welcomed 95 cruise ships and more than 1.5 million Chinese tourists, serving 10 out of 15 cruise lines plying between South Korea and China.

Incheon Port serves seven key Chinese destinations - Weihai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Dandong, Shanghai and Yantai. It also connects major Southeast Asian destinations, such as Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam and the Philippines, with 17 container services and 50 vessels. Aiming to attract additional investments, IPA is set to open more overseas branches in key locations.

"IPA targets to surpass the port's milestones by further enhancing the facilities, operations and financial structure, while maximising customer value and promoting sustainable development," Yoo says.

Leading these developments are three major projects: the construction of a new international passenger terminal; the expansion of the sea route depth of the Incheon New Port slated for completion by 2020; and the improvement of the port's hinterland sites to increase competitiveness, including the creation of a specialised logistics complex.

On completion of the projects' initial phase in two to three years, Incheon Port is envisioned to handle container ships carrying more than 150,000 tonnes - benefitting cargo owners and ship operators with improved cost competitiveness. Leveraging the country's cutting-edge information technology infrastructure, the "smart port" is set to use advanced tracking and monitoring technologies, including radio frequency identification and automated stevedoring.

These, among other infrastructure developments, are poised to complement Incheon Port's geo-economical competitiveness, enabling investors and enterprises to successfully start up or expand their businesses in the region.

"We are committed to our local communities as we are to our global stakeholders - from ship operators looking to optimise their business to international tourists seeking a slice of our culture," Yoo says. 

"We also envision South Korea increasing trade and potentially unifying with North Korea - making Incheon Port a pivotal logistics hub in the Pan Yellow Sea Region and a marine tourism mecca of northeast Asia."


Incheon Port Authority
